Tuesday, 4 December 2012


In conclusion, web-based employee learning and development are one of the strategic importances to organization in increasing their employee knowledge for organization on remain competitive. For that strategic, this software application can easily show the employee that fulfill to the need on new position or promotion. This system can give the information about employee performance before training and the course, so employee more prepared to adapt new knowledge and skills in training program.
Web-based OSH also important in the organization because it promote the OSH based on OSHA so it assures the safe and healthful working conditions in organizations. It also can simply, reduce costs and time give the employee information about safety and health in the workplace, the procedures or facts that the employee must know to handle with hazards and also employee and employer know about their responsibilities and right in the organization.
Web-based compensation and planning are give a great impact on improving HR services because it two ways communications and give higher level of satisfaction on HR when doing their job. This because of web-based compensation are simplify their job and reducing their time and costs. In addition, transparency in compensation plans and policies can increased employee trust and confidence to the employer.

Blog 3: Web-based Compensation and Planning

Today, compensation use technology to automated payroll process and actually compensation is one of the earliest areas that automated in HR. Compensation that use technology (web-based) are much more value and more helping the organization in compensation process.
In this topic, first thing I learn is about the components of online compensation system. The components are fixed compensation, variable compensation and also stock – some benefit. The fixed compensations such as bonuses, pay wage, merit pay or cost of living and the equity adjustments. Individual and group incentives plan, profit sharing plan and productivity gain sharing program are the points in the variable compensation. For the stock are all about the benefit in restricted stock, stock plan purchasing, phantom stock plan, stock in grant and appreciation right and the last one is stock options.
Organization using this online compensation because there have the advantages that can give value to the organization to well performing. The advantages using this system, are it ability to create a report and presentations, its allow business to streamline in administration compensation and benefit of employee. It also enables end users to changing demands. Other than that it also can improve effectiveness because of it simply process and without the third party, the manager and employee can access the useful information. Furthermore, this compensation system can streamline the salary planning process so its can reducing time and costs. For example, Dell was able to reduce time spent about 65 percent on salary planning process.
This compensation system has their subsystem. The subsystem called online benefits subsystem (e-benefit). Benefits are a growing and expensive component of every employee’s total compensation. This e-benefit uses to communicate information on benefits to employees and allows them to elect and manage their benefits online. Organization like to use it because its can reduce costs for delivering benefits and streamlining the administration. For the employee, it can improve and help them to access to benefit information and also can empowering them to manage their own benefits. For example, if employees want to know about the benefit information that he/she get in this year so he/she just go through the website to get the information. Use lesser time and simple movement.
When using this online compensation and benefit, its give the bigger implications for the management.  It’s give impact like not leave the HR Department untouched. For example, by using this system HR department like always keep in touch with their employee, keep on updating information about the compensation and benefit so the employee simply get the information. Using this system also shows that the line management and employee are actively implement the strategies, policies and practices. 

Cascio, Wayne F. 2003. Managing Human Resources, Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profit (6th ed.): McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite, Richard D. Johnson. 2012. Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions (2nd ed.): SAGE Publications, Inc.
Wendell L. French. 2007. Human Resource Management (6th ed): Houghton Mifflin Company

Blog 2: Web-based Occupational Safety and Health

Web-based on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) are one of the primary areas in human resource Management that using the information system. Nowadays, many organizations using this to promoted their safety and health in workplace.
This web-based has their important function in the organization. One of the functions is like as said before to promoting safety and health in the community. Others is to educate them and training, consultancy services and also to under going research and development. Information dissemination is also one of the functions of this OSH web.
One of the important acts in organization is Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). OSHA set the general standards, regulations and procedures to the industry and commands the organization to keeping record about occupational injuries and illness. OSHA also has the inspection priorities. These inspections are important to imminent danger situations, inspections of catastrophes, fatalities and accidents that have already occurred, inspections that related to valid employee complaints and also periodic and random inspections.
The employer and employee will get problems and get into trouble if disregard this OSHA. Some of the ways to get into this trouble if the employer ignore about safety issues, lies within the inspections, do not correct the hazards, ignore safety rules and industrial hygiene issues.
Because of that problems can occurred, that why the employer and employee must know their right and responsibility in OSHA. One of the important responsibility of the employer is must provide a workplace that free from hazard and to the employee is to follow all employer safety and health rules and regulations. One of the rights that employer must have is to seek advice and off site consultation from OSHA and one of the employee right in OSHA is to demand safety and health on the job without fear of punishment.
For example, employer must carry their responsibilities seriously about provide workplace that free from hazard such as employer can put the sign “danger” in the danger place, or if doing cleaning progress put sign “slippery floor”. Employer also put more information about the important to stay health and safety in their web of OSH.
In this topic, I get more understand when read through the case that Dr. Nur Naha attach “Employee involvement to improve safety in the workplace: An ethical imperative”. This case showed that employer must always update and care about the hazard in the workplace that can harm the employee safety and health. When use the Employee Involvement model to do the improvement, it can increased job satisfaction and greater health in the organization. 

Cascio, Wayne F. 2003. Managing Human Resources, Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profit (6th ed.): McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite, Richard D. Johnson. 2012. Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions (2nd ed.): SAGE Publications, Inc.
Wendell L. French. 2007. Human Resource Management (6th ed): Houghton Mifflin Company.

Blog 1: Web-based Employee Learning and Development

I learn a lot of things that are general knowledge to what are actually through the topic of web-based employee learning and development. Using the new terms, learning and development are more accurate to depict the learning throughout the organization because the old terms training and development are too structured.
Firstly on the beginning of the class, Dr. Nur Naha remind all of the class about the subsystem in HRIS which is payroll, career planning and development, performance appraisal, selection and recruitment, benefit administration and also compensation administration. This subsystem must we all know to make it clear understanding about the overall HRIS system.
Continue to this web-based employee learning and development lecture, what are purposes ELD systems? According to what Dr, Nur Naha said in the class and also written on the note given, purpose of ELD are to improve and correct employee’s and organization performance, increase employee’s knowledge, skills and abilities, preparing employee towards their future work (Development program), ensure employees keep on competing and can perform their job well and lastly to help employee manage their stress and work overload.
There have five components in these systems. First is employee personal information like staff ID, employee’s name, age and position in the company. Every employee can access the training and development that related to them. Second is performance before training. This for explain to employee about their level of performance before training like Key Performance Index (KPI), education, performance level and responsibility. Third is training course, the detail about training like course code, name of course, module and training method. Next is training transfer which is knowledge development, video conference and outdoor skills. This function to make sure employee continuous application of KSA they get during training transfer into the organization. Lastly is the program evaluation.
The true applications of this system (software) like Learning Management System (LMS) and Learning Content System (LCS) are important and help more management to manage their employee learning and development. This application allowed recording all the information that related to training management, can record data, storing the current data about employee performance and also HR analyze related to training.
In this topic, I also learn about the comparison between ELD System and Traditional paper-based ELD System. When ELD System is be computerized, so it are self-service, no face to face communication, less use of time and also flexible. It’s different when using the Traditional ELD system which is opposite to the computerization.
This web-based ELD give good implications to the management such as help the organization making important decisions for example, to select right employee to fulfill the promotion, improve the efficiency like cut cost in action process, and also information about training can simply delivered effectively.


Christopher Grey, Elena Antonacopoulou. 2004. Essential Reading in Management Learning: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Michael J. Kavanagh, Mohan Thite, Richard D. Johnson. 2012. Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions (2nd ed.): SAGE Publications, Inc.

Wendell L. French. 2007. Human Resource Management (6th ed): Houghton Mifflin Company.